making a difference one home at a time

As the years wear away on our bodies and homes, maintaining the dream of homeownership can become difficult. If you can’t afford to add grab bars to make your bathroom safe or replace a leaking roof, how can you continue to live safely in the place you’ve called home for so long?
Habitat for Humanity Jackson, TN Area’s Aging in Place (AIP) Program serves Madison/Haywood County senior citizens and focuses on accessibility improvements, mobility modifications, weatherization enhancements and critical home repairs that are crucial to help seniors live in their own homes longer. Jackson Habitat wants to make continued homeownership for Madison/Haywood County seniors a reality so they can age in place with the comfort and dignity they deserve.
The funding for this project was provided through a grant awarded by the Davidson County Chancery Court, Part III from the SeniorTrust/ElderTrust settlement (Case No. 11-1548-III) and through a contract administered by the Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability. The work done for applicants accepted during this application period will focus on critical repairs and accessibility modifications, with other work done as budget allows. There is a tight timeframe for a limited number of applicants to be accepted and work to be completed, so applicants must have all documentation available immediately and will be accepted on a first-come, first-qualified, first-served basis.

Who is eligible?
You may qualify for the AIP Program if you meet all of the following criteria:
I own and live in my home full time.
I own no property other than my home.
I am age 60 or older.
My home is in Madison/Haywood Counties, Tennessee.
The city and county property taxes on my home are current
The mortgage on my home is current and I can show a recent mortgage statement to prove this. (If there is no mortgage on the home, I will sign an affidavit stating there are no liens on the home.)
My home needs work that falls within the services and budget of the program.
I meet the income guidelines for the program, based on my income and the income of everyone else who lives in my home. (This round of applications will primarily serve families below 60% AMI. See chart below.)
I have proof of ownership of the property.
I can provide documentation to prove identity, age, residency and income for myself and everyone else who lives in my home.
All persons listed on the deed to my home will sign all required documentation.
All of my information matches across all documents or I have proof that differing information is correct
Rental properties are NOT eligible to receive assistance through this program.
“Current” means you are not being charged any interest, fees or penalties on an outstanding balance OR you are meeting all the conditions of an agreed payment plan.
Documents you need to provide might include: a driver’s license or other government issued ID, birth certificate, utility bill, 2 consecutive pay stubs within the past 30 days, mortgage papers, Social Security income statement, retirement/pension and/or bank statements.
Proof of name change, marriage license, divorce decree, death certificate, etc.
Who does the work?
Habitat will coordinate the work with trained volunteers and/or home repair companies. All companies will be properly licensed and insured. Project managers will monitor the quality of the work throughout the process to make sure it is up to program standards.

What's the cost?
Habitat will pay all costs for materials and AIP work as a GRANT TO YOU, but a restriction will be placed on the deed of your home. You will not have to repay the grant unless you sell or transfer ownership of your home within 5 years after AIP work is completed. If you continue to live in your home for 5 years after work is completed and follow all grant terms, your balance is reduced to ZERO, and you owe nothing. The grant restriction is forgiven at a rate of 20% per year. You will also need to participate in post-project surveying at 2 months, 1 year, and 3 years after work has been completed.
All AIP program clients are required to pay a fee to cover the cost of recording the deed restriction at the Madison/Haywood County Register of Deeds, which usually runs an average of $12 to $35, but can be higher. All persons listed on the deed and mortgage must sign the deed restriction, as well as other required documents.
What kind of work will be done?
Inspectors from Habitat will prepare a list of recommended work. This is simply a list of suggested work and not a guarantee of the final project list. Actual work to be done will be determined only by Habitat based on the program’s budget limitations and the extent of work necessary. The work done for applicants accepted during the application period will focus on critical repairs and accessibility modifications, with other work done as budget allows.
Other work that may be provided includes:
Modifications to improve mobility, accessibility and safety, such as grab bars, wheelchair ramps and widened doorways.
Weatherization for energy saving purposes, such as fixing broken windows and water leaks.
Other modifications as budget allows, possibly including installing grab bars, wheelchair ramps, widened doorways, fixing broken windows, repairing water leaks, electrical repairs and other work that fits within the guidelines of the AIP program.
Cosmetic work is NOT covered under this program. This includes, but is not limited to: painting, cabinets, appliances, window treatments/security bars, and repairing trim work.
If your home is not a detached, single-family home (example: a condo or mobile home), you may not be eligible for certain services.